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Curated by Karen Bookatz and Carrie Mackin

QF Gallery, 98 Newtown Lane, East Hampton

August 4 -12, 2012

Opening reception Saturday, August 4, 6 - 10 p.m. with DJ April Hunt


The essential kvetch about the modern condition might be this: “I don’t have time for this sh&t!”

At once critical and tongue-and-cheek, the title for this exhibition was topically born out of a discussion on a recent article in The New York Times, “The ‘Busy’ Trap.” Off the bat, the article promises that “you’re not too busy to read this article.” The absurd meta-ness of being “too busy to read an article about being busy” got us thinking about the litany of other things that we don’t think we have time for. We found ourselves uttering—nay, screaming this phrase just about everywhere, to whomever would (theoretically) listen—from fellow queue-ers at Duane Reade to the hordes at the flickering timetable on the L train platform.

Our culture has become one of impatience, marked by brevity and abbreviations. A 120-word tweet can seem onerous. The art world is especially vulnerable to this pressurized fate; leisurely gallery-hopping on a Saturday is now dismissed in favor of spending the afternoon catching up on an episode of GIRLS. Whatever happened to “taking in a show,” or taking in...anything, for that matter? Recently reinstalled in New York, Christian Marclay’s (time)piece de resistance, The Clock—an artwork, that, if viewed in its entirety, would take you twelve full hours—has never felt more timely.

A collection of five New Media artworks, from video to digital sculpture, “I don’t have time for this sh&t!” implores you to slow down and revel in one of life’s guiltiest pleasures: wasting time.

with artworks by R. Luke DuBois, Yael Kanarek and Gabriel Barcia-Colombo